One click installation is certainly one of the most sweet features of WordPress. But after the installation is complete, you still need to do a lot to make it yours. In this post, I am sharing you a checklist for a new WordPress installation that will guide you all the way through, from removing sample inputs to adding your first post.
Steps After Installing WordPress
Clean-up Sample Data
- Delete sample comments
- Delete “Sample Page”
- Choose a theme or install a new one
- Delete any unused (Twentyten, eleven, fifteeen etc) theme
Theme and Pages Setup
- Create blank pages (About, Blog, Contact etc.)
- Create blog categories
- Create a main menu
- Create a social links menu
- Customize your theme
- Edit sidebar widgets
- Edit user profile
- Add extra admins and users
- Delete “Hello Dolly” Plugin
- Activate Akismet Plugin (If comments are enabled on theme)
- Install and activate All-In-One Seo Pack plugin and manage settings
- Install and activate W3 Total Cache plugin and manage settings
- Install and activate Contact Form 7 plugin and manage settings
I hope you find this checklist useful; and if you have anything else to add, please share it in the comments. Enjoy!