WPA Tax Archives
Taxonomy Archive page plugin to display a well-structured archive page for tags, categories, or custom taxonomies. This plugin uses easy-to-use shortcodes to turn any WordPress page into a dynamic custom taxonomy archive page.
Check the demo here: https://wpassist.me/tags/
Download the latest version:
- Download the latest version from GitHub
- Install the plugin and activate
- Add a page and insert one of the shortcode options below
Displaying a Tags Archive
[taxarchive popular=1 ignore_one=1 taxonomy="post_tag"]
This shortcode displays tags archive for your posts on WordPress
Display a Categories Archive
[taxarchive popular=1 ignore_one=1 taxonomy="category"]
This shortcode displays category archives for your posts on WordPress
Shortcode Options
- taxonomy – (default: category) defines taxonomy to use for the archive
- popular – (default: false) display most popular taxonomy on top
- popular_count – (default: 15) defines number of popular terms to display
- ignore_one – (default: false) set to 1 to ignore terms with a single post
- order – (default: DESC) terms order for the taxonomy archives
- orderby – (default: count) rule to use for ordering the terms
WPA Tax Archive is using get_terms function to get a list of terms using the taxonomy. For more information about the function check the official page here.
Any ideas? Submit them here: https://github.com/wpassist-me/wpa-tax-archive/issues