[How To] Display Random Posts on Archive Pages WPAssist / How To - April 8, 2020 Most of the users don’t reach your second page on an archive page, so why not randomize your archive pages to get some hits for your older content.
WordPress Required PHP ExtensionsWordPress Tips WordPress needs PHP extensions to generate page content, update core and plugins and also for handling of file and image…
Ultimate High Speed .htaccess Configuration for Busy WebsitesWordPress Tips htaccess is the main entry point for any WordPress website. When you enter an url to a WordPress website, url…
Redirect Missing Media Sizes to Full Using htaccessWordPress WordPress generates various image sizes for each picture you upload using Media size settings. The plugins and themes can also…
Optimizing Images for WordPress BlogsWordPress Tips Images play a vital role in enhancing the overall look and feel of any WordPress blog. Not only do they…